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Sun, 19 May


Farnborough Village Hall

Registration is Closed
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Time & Location

19 May 2019, 14:00 – 16:00

Farnborough Village Hall, Farnborough, Banbury OX17 1EA, UK

About the Event

As per the Constitution: 3 - THE MANAGEMENT OF THE CLUB

a) The management of the Club shall be in the hands of the following Officers of the Club: The President, the Hon Secretary and the Hon Treasurer shall serve for a five-year period. A Committee consisting of a maximum of nine Members, of whom 1/3 shall retire annually on a three-year rotation. Members of Committee shall be eligible for re-election every three years. Any committee member missing more than 50% of the meetings within one year, without good reason, must retire from the committee but may offer himself or herself for re-election at the next AGM. Only fully paid up members of the Club who own Korthals Griffon will be eligible to be Officers of the Club or to serve on the Committee with the exception of Presidents and Vice Presidents.

President: Vacant.

Hon Secretary: Mrs. Sue Hanson – Not due to retire at this time

Treasurer/Membership Secretary: Ms Sallie Blair – Not due to retire at this time.

Current Committee Comprises: Mel Baglin*, Dean Horsley*, Karen Morgan, Michelle Phillips*, Tony Scragg*, Rachel Spencer*, Jon Tibble* Rachel Turner*.

Dean Horsley is due to retire at this time but is willing to stand for re-election. Those also marked * were elected to committee at the SGM and these positions will need ratification at this AGM. There remains one vacant place on committee.

Nomination papers for committee vacancies can be obtained from the Hon Secretary, Mrs. Sue Hanson at the address below. Completed nomination papers should be returned to the Hon Secretary no later than 21 April 2019. Resolutions for the Agenda must be in the hands of the Hon Secretary no later than 21 April 2019.

No Member whose subscription remains unpaid is entitled to any of the privileges of membership and if the member shall fail to pay outstanding subscriptions by 1 February his/her name shall be automatically erased from the register. Acceptance back on the register will be dependent upon a new application and payment of the annual subscription.

As per the Constitution: 6 - VOTING RIGHTS

Each Single Subscription Member and each party of a Joint Subscription Membership shall be entitled to an individual vote, upon acceptance of full club membership.

Hon Secretary: Mrs. Sue Hanson,

2 Grange Cottage, Eaton Hastings, Faringdon, Oxfordshire SN7 8BJ

Tel: 01367 358973 Email:

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This website and associated links and documentation relate to the KORTHALS GRIFFON CLUB OF GREAT BRITAIN.

A Kennel Club Recognised Breed Club for Korthals Griffons in the UK. The Korthals Griffon is currently on the Kennel Club Imported Breed Register.

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